
FSO members populate a variety of ad hoc and standing committees to handle internal union matters as well as issues of mutual interest to labor and management.

Instructions for Committees Established by the Constitution & Bylaws and the FSO Executive Committee only. The FSO Executive Committee (“EC”) liaisons will have access to FSO’s Zoom premium account. The liaison will set up any meetings that the committee chairs need to hold. Once the meeting starts they can turn over the presentation to the chair or any member of the committee.

Each EC liaison will be responsible for reporting on the progress of the committee’s work to the EC at each meeting, monitoring each committee’s general participation and effectiveness, and making future recommendations on committee membership and charges.

Established by the Constitution and Bylaws

Executive Committee: Made up of the officers and directors to oversee the business of the organization by setting policies, making decisions, and conducting business on behalf of the organization. Craft an annual budget, review the financial information of the organization. Set the date and time of annual general membership meetings so that business can be conducted.

President: Angela Dawson, Vice-President: Graham Picklesimer, Treasurer: Emily McCann, Secretary: Tim Benton, Directors: Cathy Boehme, Tina Dunbar, Maria Kazouris, Tammy Whitaker, vacancy. Email

Elections Committee: Conducts any and all FSO elections assuring compliance with all Department of Labor Regulations. Review applicable Constitution, Bylaws and Election Guidelines and makes recommendations to the FSO EC.

Chair: Peter Caldwell Members: Emily Moore, Pamela Williams, Renee LaPointe, Tamara Odom, FSO EC Liaison: Tim Benton

Stewards Committee: They are the Organizing, Communication, Bargaining Crisis, New member outreach branch of the organization. This committee was adopted into the Constitution and Bylaws in May 2019. Each region will need to elect their Steward and that group will select a Head Steward who will report to the FSO EC and then also chair the Stewards committee. The liaison is the FSO President.

Established by the Executive Committee

Bargaining Committee: Trains and supports the FSO members of all the state and local option contract negotiations teams. Conducts bargaining research in preparation for bargaining. This committee sets the coordinated bargaining goals for the group, assists FSO affiliates with negotiations as needed, and approves all settlements. This is not the Bargaining Team for any contract, however members may be assigned to the Bargaining Team that participate in this committee.

Local Option Co-chair: Beth Premo
State Option Co-chair: Graham Picklesimer
Members:  Cathy Boehme, Emily McCann, Jim Demchak, Lisa Williams, Maria Kazouris, Michael Monroe, Tammy Whitaker, Thomas G Lentz, Tina Dunbar, Trina Whitington, Vincent L. Jones , Elizabeth Peterson, Rich Grady Executive Committee liaison: Graham Picklesimer

Member Advocacy Committee: Train interested FSO members in handling grievances and representing members of FSO in all grievances. Reviews all grievance in process and makes recommendations on whether to proceed to arbitration. Reviews all ULPs prior to their submittal and makes a recommendation to the FSO Executive Committee.. List of proposed trainings and timeline for training due to the FSO EC for the October meeting.

Chair: Emily Moore Members: Betsy Reagor, Cristal Cruz, Elizabeth Peterson, Frank Peterman, Renita Bates, Sheria Griffin, Tom Wazlavek, Tracy Butler, Vincent L. Jones Executive Committee liaison: Angela Dawson

Constitution & Bylaws Committee: Review and make recommendations to the membership on amendments to the FSO Constitution & Bylaws. Recommended changes are due 3 months before any General Membership meeting for review by the Executive Committee and publication to members two weeks prior to any General Membership meeting.

Chair: Peter Caldwell Members: Graham Picklesimer, Kerr Fazzone, Tamara Odom, Tammy Whitaker, Tim Benton, Tony Gentile Executive Committee liaison: Tammy Whitaker

Sunshine Social Committee: Express FSO sentiments for those joyous and sad occasions, which affect our membership as provided for in the Guidelines. Additionally, to express FSO’s sentiments for those joyous and sad occasions which affect the management, staff and Governance leaders. Guidelines need to be approved annually as part of the budget. Current guidelines are due ASAP for review by the Executive Committee.

Chair: Charley McClaren Members: Eric Riley, Kay Fitchner, Missy Keller, Nicole Sipka, Rickesha Jenkins, Renee LaPointe, Shayla Ivey Executive Committee liaison: Tammy Whitaker

The following committees are provided for in the FEA/FSO Master Contract and can be filled only with staff covered by the state Master Contract. These positions are appointed by the President as per contract.

Instructions for the FEA/FSO Master Contract Committees only. The FSO Executive Committee (“EC”) liaisons will have access to FSO’s Zoom premium account.
Each EC liaison will be responsible for reporting on the progress of the committee’s work to the EC at each meeting, monitoring each committee’s general participation and effectiveness, and making future recommendations on committee membership and charges.

Liaisons must contact the members of the committee, set the first meeting and act as recorder/reporter for subsequent meetings. Once the language has been bargained into the contract the committees are then dissolved.

This work is due by September 15th so we can prepare for bargaining.

Placement Review Committee (3 seats): Contains three FEA/state option bargaining unit members, one of which must be associate staff. Reviews all salary schedule step placements offered to new employees. Craft language to propose at bargaining to incorporate into the FSO state contract for placement.

Professional staff members:, Tony Gentile
Associate staff members: Lois Dubay, Sherika Collins
Alternates: Elizabeth Peterson, Maria Kazouris, Pamela Williams, Shayla Ivey, Tamara Odom Executive Committee liaison: Tina Dunbar

Sabbatical Leave Committee (2 seats): Reviews and makes recommendations on requests for sabbatical leave pursuant to Article 32.4 of the FEA/FSO Master Contract. Craft language to propose at bargaining to incorporate into the FSO state contract for sabbatical leave.

Members: Charley McClaren, Renita Bates
Executive Committee liaison: Tim Benton

Health & Safety Committee (2 seats): Serves as a sounding board to members on safety and health issues. Investigates health and safety concerns of FSO members and makes recommendations to the FSO Executive Committee. Craft language to propose at bargaining to incorporate into the FSO state contract for health and safety issues.

Members: Cristal Cruz, Joseph Martinez
Executive Committee liaison: Tina Dunbar

Sick Leave Pool Committee (4 seats): Reviews and respond to requests for use of the Sick Leave Pool pursuant to Article 22.6 of the FEA/FSO Master Contract. This year, this committee will review policies and procedures currently in place for access and usage of the Sick Leave Pool and, if necessary, recommend changes to the FSO Executive Committee.

Members: Alicia Ash, Kay Fitchner, Pamela Williams, Tracy Butler
Alternate: Emily Moore
Executive Committee liaison: Emily McCann

The following committees are provided for in the FEA/FSO Master Contract and can be filled only with staff covered by the state Master Contract. These positions are appointed by the President as per contract.

Instructions for the Health Insurance & 401k Committees (Benefits Committees) only. The FSO Executive Committee (“EC”) liaisons will have access to FSO’s Zoom premium account. The liaison will set up any meetings that the committee needs to hold. Each EC liaison will be responsible for reporting on the progress of the committee’s work to the EC at each meeting, monitoring each committee’s general participation and effectiveness, and making future recommendations on committee membership and charges.

Liaisons must contact the members of the committee, set the first meeting and act as recorder/reporter for subsequent meetings. The reports received from FEA are to be shared with the larger group, including alternates, who should meet to review the quarterly and annual reports and make recommendations to the Joint Committee members and to the bargaining committee.

Benefits Committee: This is a joint committee that will meet as a large group to discuss all Benefits, Health Insurance, 401k, pension, etc. Bargaining will propose combining these two committees into a single Joint Benefits Committee.

Executive Committee liaison: Cathy Boehme

Joint Health Insurance Committee (4 seats): Meets quarterly. Composed of four members appointed by FSO and four members appointed by FEA. Analyzes the FEA health insurance plan, reviews utilization, develops education programs, established plan guidelines,issues reports to constituents, and makes recommendations for plan modifications. All recommendations put forth by the committee shall be subject to negotiations.

Members: Emily McCann, Frank Peterman, Teresa Baker, Cathy Boehme
Alternates: Graham Picklesimer, Kerr Fazzone, Rich Grady

401K Committee (2 seats): Develops information and education on the performance of the 401k plan and set up training webinars on how to best make use of the plan. Encourages employees to invest in the 401k plan as well as monitor the plan for any potential issues that must be bargained. Make bargaining recommendations for the fund administration as well as potential changes in fund management.
401(k) Committee

Members: Blanca Sotelo, Lisa Williams

Merging these committees will be in FEA’s interest due to the fact that their Insurance broker attends these meetings. This will allow the committee to expand slightly and have fewer meetings.

Propose: Joint Benefits Committee to be made up of six (6) members appointed by the FSO President and six (6) members appointed by the FEA Chief of Staff. This committee will meet at least quarterly to review:

● Health Insurance usage reports
● Prescription usage reports
● 401k performance reports
● NEA Pension reports
● Vision, Dental, etc.